Original Research Articles
MiaoNiu Liyan Hu QingYao Rui Zhou and Feng Shao
Modulation of membrane phosphoinositide dynamics by the phosphatidylinositide 4-kinase activity of the Legionella LepB effector Na Dong-pdf
NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 2, 16236 (2016) |DOI: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.236|
Yonghe Qi, Zhenchao Gao, Guangwei Xu, Bo Peng, Chenxuan Liu, Huan Yan, Qiyan Yao, Guoliang Sun, Yang Liu, Dingbin Tang, Zilin Song, Wenhui He, Yinyan Sun, Ju-Tao Guo, Wenhui Li
DNA Polymerase κ Is a Key Cellular Factor for the Formation of Covalently Closed Circular DNA of Hepatitis B Virus
PLOS Pathogens | DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005893 October 26, 2016
Wen qing Gao,Jeling Yang,Wang Liu,Yupeng Wang,and Feng Shao
Site-specific phosphorylation and microtubule dynamics control Pyrin inflammasome activation
PNAS,DOI:10.1073/pnas.1601700113 Aug 1,2016 Article
Xian Jiang, Li Li, Zhengxin Ying, Chenjie Pan, Shaoqiang Huang, Lin Li,Miaomiao Dai, Bo Yan, Ming Li, Hui Jiang, She Chen,Zhiyuan Zhang,Xiaodong Wang
Presynaptic Excitation via GABAB Receptors in Habenula Cholinergic Neurons Regulates Fear Memory Expression
cell doi:
Pore-forming activity and structural autoinhibition of the gasdermin family
Nature doi:10.1038/nature18590 Jun 8,2016
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms11715 Jun 7,2016
A feedback amplification loop between stem cells and their progeny promotes tissue regeneration and tumorigenesis
Daniel F.Aubert.Hao Xu.Jieling Yang.She Chen.Miguel A.Valvano and Feng Shao
Yue Zhao.JianJin Shi.Xuyan Shi.YuPeng Wang.Fengchao Wang and Feng Shao
Genetic functions of the NAIP family of infammasome receptors for bacterial ligands in mice
Journal of Experimental Medicine doi: 10.1084/jem.20160006. Epub 2016 Apr 25
Yong Feng Han.Qiu-Yuan Zhao. LiangLiang Dang.Yu Xi Luo.Shan Shan Chen.Chang Rong Shao.Huan-Wei Huang.Yong-Qiang Li.Tao Cai.Lin Li.She Chen and Xin-Jian He
Plant Cell doi:10.1105/tpc.15.00997 April 25, 2016
Xi Wu, Lanlan Li, and Hui Jiang.
Doa1 targets ubiquitinated substrates for mitochondria-associated degradation.
Journal of Cell Biology doi:10.1083/jcb.201510098 [Epub ahead of print] April 4, 2016
Dan Tan, Qiang Li, Mei-Jun Zhang, Pan Zhang, Yue-He Ding, Li Tao, Bing Yang, Xiangke Li, Xiaohui Liu, Shoucai Ma, Chao Liu, Sheng-Bo Fan, Si-Min He, Keqiong Ye, Meng-Qiu Dong and Xiaoguang Lei.
Trifunctional cross-linker for mapping protein-protein interaction networks and comparing protein conformational states.
eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.12509 March 8, 2016
Paul C. Scherer, Yan Ding, Zhiqing Liu, Jing Xa, Haibin Mao, James C. Barrow, Ning Wei, Ning Zheng, Solomon H. Snyder and Feng Rao.
Inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) generated by IP5K mediates Cullin-COP9 signalosome interactions and CRL function.
PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1525580113, December 30, 2015
Yi Li, Weixin Zhong, Daqing Wang, Qiru Feng, Zhixiang Liu, Jingfeng Zhou, Chunying Jia, Fei Hu, Jiawei Zeng, Qingchun Guo, Ling Fu and Minmin Luo.
Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus encode reward signals
Nat Commun. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10503. January 28 2016.
Guangqing Lua, Jinzhi Duana, Sheng Shua, Xuxiang Wang, Linlin Gao, Jing Guoa, and Yu Zhanga.
Ligase I and ligase III mediate the DNA double-strand break ligation in alternative end-joining
PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1521597113, December 22, 2015