Rongwen Xi, Ph.D.

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Rongwen Xi, Ph.D.
Investigator, NIBS, Beijing, China
Fax: 010-80723249
2002 |
Ph.D. in Biology, 2002,University of |
1998 |
Master in Science, 1998,Shanghai Medical University, China |
1995 |
B.S., Department of Clinical Medicine, 1995,Binzhou |
Professional Experience
2018- |
Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China |
2011-2018 |
Associate Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China |
2006-2011 |
Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China |
2003-2006 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate with Dr. Ting Xie at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA |
1998-2002 |
Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant at the Department of Biology,University of Kentucky, USA |
Research Description
Adult stem cells reside in many tissues and organs and have the ability to self-renew indefinitely and generate progenies that differentiate and replace aged and damaged cells. Dysregulation of stem cells is intimately associated with various types of diseases such as cancer and degenerative diseases, but the molecular mechanisms regulating stem cell fate decisions during self-renewal and cell lineage differentiation are in general poorly understood. Using intestinal stem cell systems in both flies and mice, we aim to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying stem cell fate decisions, and the differentiation and functional regulation of intestinal cells and their roles played in the brain-gut-microbiota axis. Our research should ultimately bring new mechanistic insights into intestinal tumors and other digestive and metabolic diseases and pave the way to new treatments.
1. Zhu G, Hu J, Xi R* (2021). The cellular niche for intestinal stem cells: a team effort. Cell Regen. 10(1):1.
2. Shi J, Jin Z, Yu Y, Zhang Y, Yang F, Huang H, Cai T, Xi R* (2021). A Progressive Somatic Cell Niche Regulates Germline Cyst Differentiation in the Drosophila Ovary. Curr Biol. 31(4):840-852.e5.
3. Jin Z, Chen J, Huang H, Wang J, Lv J, Yu M, Guo X, Zhang Y, Cai T, Xi R*(2020). The Drosophila Ortholog of Mammalian Transcription Factor Sox9 Regulates Intestinal Homeostasis and Regeneration at an Appropriate Level. Cell Rep. 31(8):107683.
4. Kobayashi M, Lin Y, Mishra A, Shelly C, Gao R, Reeh CW, Wang PZ, Xi R, Liu Y, Wenzel P, Ghosn E, Liu Y, Yoshimoto M (2020). Bmi1 Maintains the Self-Renewal Property of Innate-like B Lymphocytes. J Immunol. 204(12):3262-3272.
5. Li Z, Guo X, Huang H, Wang C, Yang F, Zhang Y, Wang J, Han L, Jin Z, Cai T, Xi R*(2020). A Switch in Tissue Stem Cell Identity Causes Neuroendocrine Tumors in Drosophila Gut. Cell Rep. 30(6):1724-1734.e4.
6. Guo X, Yin C, Yang F, Zhang Y, Huang H, Wang J, Deng B, Cai T, Rao Y, Xi R* (2019). The Cellular Diversity and Transcription Factor Code of Drosophila Enteroendocrine Cells. Cell Rep. 29(12):4172-4185.e5.
7. Guo X, Huang H, Yang Z, Cai T, Xi R* (2019). Division of Labor: Roles of Groucho and CtBP in Notch-Mediated Lateral Inhibition that Controls Intestinal Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila. Stem Cell Reports. 12(5):1007-1023
8. Yang F*, Quan Z, Huang H, He M, Liu X, Cai T, and Xi R* (2019). Ovaries absent links dLsd1 to HP1a for local H3K4 demethylation required for heterochromatic gene silencing. Elife 2019 Jan 16;8. pii: e40806.
9. Zhang W, Zhang X, Xue Z, Li Y, Ma Q, Ren X, Zhang J, Yang S, Yang L, Wu M, Ren M, Xi R, Wu Z, Liu JL, Matunis E, Dai J, Gao G (2018). Probing the Function of Metazoan Histones with a Systematic Library of H3 and H4 Mutants. Dev Cell. pii: S1534-5807(18)31031-1.
10. Chen J, Xu N, Wang C, Huang P, Huang H, Jin Z, Yu Z, Cai T, Jiao R, Xi R* (2018). Transient Scute activation via a self-stimulatory loop directs enteroendocrine cell pair specification from self-renewing intestinal stem cells. Nat Cell Biol. 20(2):152-161
11. Yin C, Xi R* (2018). A Phyllopod-Mediated Feedback Loop Promotes Intestinal Stem Cell Enteroendocrine Commitment in Drosophila. Stem Cell Reports. 9;10(1):43-57.
12. Huang C, Yang F, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Cai G, Li L, Zheng Y, Chen S, Xi R*, Zhu B* (2017). Mrg15 stimulates Ash1 H3K36 methyltransferase activity and facilitates Ash1 Trithorax group protein function in Drosophila. Nat Commun. 8(1):1649.
13. Liu X, Wei W, Li X, Shen P, Ju D, Wang Z, Zhang R, Yang F, Chen C, Cao K, Zhu G, Chen H, Chen L, Sui J, Zhang E, Wu K, Wang F, Zhao L, Xi R* (2017). BMI1 and MEL18 Promote Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice via REG3B and STAT3. Gastroenterology. pii: S0016-5085(17)35976-0.
14. Li Y*, Pang Z, Huang H, Wang C, Cai T, Xi R* (2017). Transcription Factor Antagonism Controls Enteroendocrine Cell Specification from Intestinal Stem Cells. Sci Rep. 20;7(1):988.
15. Yang F, Xi R* (2017). Silencing transposable elements in the Drosophila germline. Cell Mol Life Sci. 74(3):435-448.
16. Chen J., Li J., Huang H. and Xi R*. (2016). Gene Expression Analysis of Sorted Cells by RNA-seq in Drosophila Intestine. Bio-protocol 6(24): e2079. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2079
17. Li X, Yang F, Chen H, Deng B, Li X, Xi R* (2016). Control of germline stem cell differentiation by polycomb and trithorax group genes in the niche microenvironment. Development. 143(19):3449-3458 pii: dev.137638.
18. Chen J, Xu N, Huang H, Cai T, Xi R* (2016). A feedback amplification loop between stem cells and their progeny promotes tissue regeneration and tumorigenesis. Elife. 5. pii: e14330. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14330
19. Wang C, Xi R* (2015). Keeping intestinal stem cell differentiation on the Tramtrack. Fly (Austin). 14:0.
20. Hu Z, Hu Y, Liu X, Xi R, Zhang A, Liu D, Xie Q, Chen L (2015). Tumor driven by gain-of-function HER2 H878Y mutant is highly sensitive to HER2 inhibitor. Oncotarget. 6(31):31628-39
21. Wang C, Guo X, Dou K, Chen H, Xi R* (2015). Ttk69 acts as a master repressor of enteroendocrine cell specification in Drosophila intestinal stem cell lineages. Development 142(19):3321-31
22. Yang F, Zhao R, Fang X, Huang H, Xuan Y, Ma Y, Chen H, Cai T, Qi Y, Xi R* (2015). The RNA surveillance complex Pelo-Hbs1 is required for transposon silencing in the Drosophila germline. EMBO Rep. 16(8):965-74
23. Wang C, Guo X, Xi R* (2014). EGFR and Notch signaling respectively regulate proliferative activity and multiple cell lineage differentiation of Drosophila gastric stem cells. Cell Research 24(5):610-27
24. Quan Z, Sun P, Lin G, Xi R* (2013). TSC1/2 regulates intestinal stem cell maintenance and lineage differentiation via Rheb-TORC1-S6K but independent of nutrition status or Notch regulation. J Cell Sci. 126:3884-92
25. Wang C, Zhao R, Huang P, Yang F, Quan Z, Xu N, Xi R* (2013). APC loss-induced intestinal tumorigenesis in Drosophila: Roles of Ras in Wnt signaling activation and tumor progression. Developmental Biology 378(2):122-40
26. Lin G, Zhang X, Ren J, Pang Z, Wang C, Xu N, Xi R* (2013). Integrin signaling is required for maintenance and proliferation of intestinal stem cells in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 377(1):177-87
27. Wen P, Quan Z, Xi R* (2012). The biological function of the WD40 repeat-containing protein p55/Caf1 in Drosophila. Developmental Dynamics 241(3):455-64
28. Xu N, Wang SQ, Tan D, Gao Y, Lin G, Xi R* (2011). EGFR, Wingless and JAK/STAT signaling cooperatively maintain Drosophila intestinal stem cells. Developmental Biology 354(1):31-43
29. Su Y, Deng B, Xi R* (2011). Polycomb group genes in stem cell self-renewal: a double-edged sword. Epigenetics. 6(1):16-9.
30. Sun P, Quan Z, Zhang, B, Wu T, Xi R* (2010). TSC1/2 tumour suppressor complex maintains Drosophila germline stem cells by preventing differentiation. Development 137(15):2461-9
31. Wen P, Sun P, Xi R* (2010). Stem cell niche (book chapter) in “Regenerative Medicine – From Protocol to Patient”. The Springer Press.
32. Li X, Han Y, Xi R* (2010). Polycomb group genes Psc and Su(z)2 restrict follicle stem cell self-renewal and extrusion by controlling canonical and noncanonical Wnt signaling. Genes & Development 24(9):933-46.
33. Zhao R, Xi R* (2010). Stem Cell Competition for Niche Occupancy: Emerging Themes and Mechanisms. Stem Cell Rev. 6(3):345-50
34. Lin G, Xu N, Xi R* (2010). Paracrine unpaired signaling through the JAK/STAT pathway controls self-renewal and lineage differentiation of drosophila intestinal stem cells. J Mol Cell Biol 2(1): 37-49.
35. Xi, R* (2009). Anchoring stem cells in the niche by cell adhesion molecules. Cell Adh Migr 3(4): 396-401.
36. Lin G, Xi R* (2008) Intestinal stem cell, muscular niche and wingless signaling. Fly (Austin). 2(6): 310-2.
37. Lin G, Xu N, Xi R* (2008). Paracrine Wingless signalling controls self-renewal of Drosophila intestinal stem cells. Nature 455(7216):1119-23.
38. Zhao R, Xuan Y, Li X, Xi R* (2008). Age-related changes of germline stem cell activity, niche signaling activity and egg production in Drosophila. Aging Cell 7(3):344-54
39. Xi R, Xie T (2005). Stem cell self-renewal controlled by chromatin remodeling factors. Science 310(5753):1487-9.
40. Xi R, Doan C, Liu D, Xie T (2005). Pelota controls self-renewal of germline stem cells by repressing a bam-independent differentiation pathway. Development 132(24):5365-74.
41. Xi R, Kirrily D, Xie T (2005). Molecular mechanisms controlling germline and somatic stem cells: similarities and differences (review). Curr Opin Genet Dev. 15(4):381-7.
42. Rawlings JS, Rennebeck G, Harrison SM, Xi R, Harrison DA (2004). Two Drosophila Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS) differentially regulate JAK and EGFR pathway activities. BMC Cell Biol. 15;5(1):38.
43. Song X, Wong, MD, Kawase E, Xi R, Ding BC, McCarthy J, Xie T (2004). BMP signaling from the niche directly represses the transcription of a differentiating gene, bag of marbles, in the germline stem cells of Drosophila ovary. Development 131(6):1353-64.
44. Xi R, McGregor JR, Harrison DA (2003). A gradient of JAK pathway activity patterns the anterior-posterior axis of the follicular epithelium. Developmental Cell 4(2):167-77.
45. McGregor JR, Xi R, Harrison DA (2002). JAK signaling is somatically required for follicle cell differentiation in Drosophila. Development 129(3):705-17.