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2009年5月22日,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员陈德桂博士应邀来研究所举办讲座。陈博士实验室的研究方向为组蛋白修饰及其与癌症和胚胎干细胞的关系,此次讲座的题目为:Identification and characterization of the histone demethylases。朱冰博士主持讲座。



My laboratory is currently interested in identification and characterization of histone demethylases. Through bioinformatic and biochemical analysis, we have identified several histone demethylases and hope to identify more of these enzymes that can specifically remove methyl groups from histones. We are using stem cell differentiation and different animal models to study their biological functions.