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Journal Club and Happy Hour


1028下午3:00,研究所学生每周一次的journal club如期开始。北京师范大学12名到研究所做毕业设计的本科生也应邀参加了此次活动。活动结束后,在实验楼的休息区开始了Happy Hour的活动,大家就各自工作、生活、学习中的体会做了充分的交流,以后每周都会在journal club学术交流后开展类似的Happy Hour活动。

At 3:00pm on October 28th, the weekly journal club was held on time by graduate students in our institute. There were also 12 students from Beijing Normal University attending our journal club, who are going to do their undergraduate thesis here. After that meeting, students and PIs enjoyed the Happy Hour together at the recreation part of the institute building, and made extensive communication about science, study and life. Each week from now on this pleasant Happy Hour activity will be held after every journal club.