2005年 中国农业大学生物学院,动物生理学博士学位
Ph.D. in Animal Physiology, college of biological sciences, China Agricultural University, China
1999 莱阳农学院动物科学系学士学位
B.S. Department of Animal Science, Laiyang Agricultural College, Shandong, China
Professional Experience
2012- 北京生命科学研究所转基因动物中心主任
Director of Transgenic Animal Center, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
2010-2012 中国科学院动物所助理研究员,副研究员
Assistant professor and associate professor, Institute of zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2008-2010 中国科学院动物所博士后
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2005- 2008 北京生命科学研究所博士后
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Biological Sciences, China
Transgenic Animal Center
一. 转基因小鼠的制备:
1. 原核显微注射法
2. 利用转座子系统胞质显微注射法
二. 利用胚胎干细胞进行基因敲除/敲入小鼠的制备:
1. 打靶载体的构建
2. 胚胎干细胞打靶
3. 囊胚显微注射
三. 利用TALEN或Cas9/sgRNA技术直接胚胎注射法制备基因敲除/敲入小鼠:
1. TALEN或Cas9/sgRNA设计及载体构建
2. TALEN或Cas9/sgRNA mRNA体外转录
3. TALEN或Cas9/sgRNA mRNA受精卵显微注射
四. 小鼠品系资源的保种:
1. 精子冻存及ICSI法复苏
2. 胚胎冻存及复苏
五. 无特异性病原体小鼠品系的重建
六. 其他:如载体设计,基因型和表型分析的咨询等。
Transgenic Animal Center of National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (TAC) is dedicated to provide services related to making genetically engineered mice. We are happy to provide lab-project orientated service, such as to test new techniques to make mouse models for human diseases. We are providing the following services:
1. Transgenic mice production:
Pronuclear injection
Cytoplasm injection with transposon
2. Knockout/knockin mice production using Esc:
Targeting vector construction
ES cell targeting
Blastocyst injection
3. Knockout/knockin mice production via zygotes injection of TALEN or Cas9/sgRNA:
TALEN or sgRNA construction
Zygotes injection of TALEN or Cas9/sgRNA mRNA
4. The preservation of mice strains:
Sperm cryopreservation and restoration via ICSI
Embryo cryopreservation and restoration
5. SPF Mice Rederivation.
6. Others: Vector Designing, Genotyping, and Consulting on Phenotype Characterizing.