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郭岩 博士
Yan Guo, Ph.D.
Assistant Investigator, NIBS, Beijing
1999年 德国科隆大学遗传学系、科隆马普植物育种所博士
Ph.D. Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology, Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding,
1988年 北京农业大学农学系学士
B.S. Plant Breeding, Department of Agronomy,
Professional Experience
2004 -2011年 北京生命科学研究所研究员
Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences,
1999-2003年 美国亚利桑那大学植物科学系博士后
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant Sciences,
1995-1999年 德国科隆大学遗传学系、科隆马普植物育种所博士
Ph.D. Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding,
1988-1995年 中国科学院遗传所研究助理
Research Assistant and Associate,
Research Description
Our lab is interested in studying how plants sense and respond to environmental stresses such as high soil salinity, alkalinity and drought. Particularly, we are interested in understanding regulation of Ca2+ signaling and pH homeostasis under these stresses in plants.
Our researches focus on genetic and molecular characterization of Arabidopsis mutants that are altered in response to environmental stimuli. The goals are to elucidate the plant signaling pathways in response to environmental stresses and to identify key components that can potentially be engineered for improvement of crop plants response to the stresses.
1. Zhou Y., Zhang J., Guo G.Q., and Guo Y. 2010. MOM1 is required to prevent aberrant RNA transcriptional read-through in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, in press.
2. Xie C.G., Zhou X.N., Deng X.W., and Guo Y. 2010. PKS5, a SNF1-related kinase, interacts with and phosphorylates NPR1, and modulates expression of WRKY38and WRKY62. J. Genet. Genomics 37. In press.
3. Zhou Y., Yang Z.J., Guo G.Q., and Guo Y. 2010. The Microfilament Dynamics Is Required for Root Growth under Alkaline Stress in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. In press.
4. Zhang C.G., Guo H.P., Zhang J., Guo G.Q., and Guo Y. 2010. Arabidopsis CSAat
5. Yang Y., Qin Y., Xie C., Zhao F., Liu D., Chen S., Fuglsang A.T., Palmgren M.G., Schumaker K.S., Deng X.W. and Guo Y. 2010. AtJ3 regulates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in Arabidopsis through interaction with the PKS5 kinase.Plant Cell 22:1313-1332.
6. Xie C.G., Lin H., Deng X.W., Guo Y. 2009. Roles of SCaBP
7. Lin H., Yang Y., Quan R., Mendoza I., Wu Y., Du W., Zhao S., Schumaker K.S., Pardo J.M., and Guo Y., 2009. Phosphorylation of SOS3-LIKE CALCIUM BINDING PROTEIN8 by SOS2 Protein Kinase Stabilizes Their Protein Complex and Regulates Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 1607-1619.
8. Gao Y., Gong X.,
9. Zhao, J.F., Zhang, W.H., Zhao, Y., Gong, X.M., Guo, L., Zhu, G., Wang, X., Gong, Z.Z., Schumaker, K., and Guo, Y. 2007. SAD2, an Importin
10. Quan, R., Lin, H.,
11. Fuglsang, A., Guo Y., Cuin, T., Qiu, Q., Song, C.-P., Kristiansen, K., Bych, K., Schulz, A., Shabala, S., Schumaker, K., Palmgren, M., and Zhu, J.-K. 2007. Arabidopsis Protein Kinase PKS5 Inhibits the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase by Preventing Interaction with
12. Verslues, P.E., Guo, Y., Dong, C.H., Ma, W., and Zhu, J.-K. 2006. Mutation of SAD2, an importin beta-domain protein in Arabidopsis, alters abscisic acid sensitivity. Plant J. 47(5):776-787. (Co-first author)